Living in the Overflow


That word brings to mind different things to different people. 

But, we all do it. 

We make mantras every day whether we think so or not. 
A mantra is anything we repeat over and over in our thoughts.

Our thoughts can turn to worry if we are not intentional.
These sort of mantras are not beneficial.

I will never be able to get all this done.

I don't have enough time. 
I'm not good enough.
I'm too old ... Or, maybe I'm not old enough?
What if I fail?

But, mantras can be beneficial if we are intentional. 

I am able to do all things.
I have enough time. 
I'm am enough.

I'm always in the right place at the right time.
What if it does work out?

Our minds think 60,000 - 80,000 thoughts per day. That's about 3,000 thoughts per hour.
We can choose to make as many of those thoughts as beneficial as possible. Sometimes I use scripture. Sometimes I use an inspiring quote. Sometimes I just make something up that sounds good. I post it on the bathroom mirror. Tape it on the dash of the car. Carry it in my back pocket. I read aloud over and over and ponder what it means. I imagine and feel the outcome.

Then, go and have a blessed day expecting something good!

Pocket cards like the one shown above are available in the shop here.