
As we are bombarded throughout our day with text messages, notifications, emails, blinking ads, and long hours of screen time that cause eye strain and neck pain, with unlimited access to endless information at our fingertips and constant connection to everyone we’ve ever met since kindergarten, this overload of stimuli can lead to FOMO (fear of missing out) which has been shown to increase anxiety, depression, and even suicide. In the midst of this digital age, Stillness is more relevant, but also more elusive than ever.

It’s no wonder the current dress-for-success uniform is to wear the same thing every day and the latest trends in home decor are white walls and uncluttered minimalism. In this visual jungle of data, where life seems busier than ever and information travels at the speed of light, we crave calm.
But, the moment we set out to be still, the chatter of the mind fights for attention and endless distractions wrestle with our resolve. And, before we can even down the avo toast with a swig of coffee, how many times have we already googled something?
I hope this sheds some incandescence on the intrinsic and enduring value of Stillness to inspire your practice.

With Love & Light,


One Small Step

When I peered over the edge of the Grand Canyon for the first time, borrowed backpack on and a pair of shiny new hiking shoes tied in a double knot, it was intimidating, to say the least. I had never hiked anything this HUGE before. 

All I could see from the top was a tiny, winding ribbon of dusty trail that zigzagged across a flat shelf dotted with sagebrush and cottonwood. I couldn't see the bottom and the path appeared to abruptly drop off into a terrifying abyss. 

But, loaded up with Gatorade and Cheez-its, I started out, one small step at a time. Soon I forgot all about the pending chasm that lay up ahead and relaxed enough to enjoy the scenery and soak up the breathtaking views. 

An hour into the trek, I stopped to look back over my shoulder to see how far I'd come and was amazed to find the view had now reversed! The ledge that once appeared to drop off into a bottomless crack mysteriously smoothed out in front of us and each bend unfolded into a series of switchbacks carved into the sheer cliffside that made it easy to descend. 

Before I knew it, I was at the bottom of the canyon sipping ice cold lemonade and ready to do it again. Now we have returned many times. But, that first day at the canyon, when I faced my fear and did it afraid, I learned that we can do hard things that look really big. All that is required is we take one small step at a time.

One Small Step at a Time.

What's one big dream, goal, or new habit you'd like to accomplish?
And, what's one small step you can take to begin today?

With Love & Light, 


by Doreen Grace Kester

Two twins went to sleep one night.

One dreamed of the future.

The other dreamed of the past.

One twin jumped onto a cruise ship.

The other joined a battleship.

As neurons fired and wired on both vessels,

The twins began to shift and split,

New scripts created new realities.

On the cruise ship, one twin danced and sang.

New dreams filled the heart with hope.

Gratitude spilled over into joy,

Which made a life well-lived.

The other twin sat in ashes,

Wallowed in self-pity and blamed others,

They held on tight to injustice and bitterness,

Then grew ill from broken heartedness,

Until waves of regret swallowed their boat,

And the twin drowned in sorrow.

Within the imagination,

Parallel universes exist,

And I get to choose:

Which of the two twins will I be?